Saturday, December 28, 2019

Immigration Is A Major Issue - 1989 Words

Immigration is a major issue in the 2016 presidential election. Millions of undocumented immigrants live in the U.S. and border agents spend so much time apprehending illegal immigrants that agencies cannot focus on criminal and terrorist threats. The growing awareness that our immigration system is dysfunctional has affected the candidate’s position on the issue. The candidates I have chosen to highlight are Democrat Hillary Clinton, Republican Donald Trump and Libertarian Gary Johnson. Hillary Clinton, Democratic candidate stated: â€Å"We have to finally and once and for all fix our immigration system—this is a family issue. It’s an economic issue too, but it is at heart a family issue. If we claim we are for family, then we have to pull together and resolve the outstanding issues around our broken immigration system. The American people support comprehensive immigration reform not just because it’s the right thing to do—and it is—but because it will strengthen families, strengthen our economy, and strengthen our country. That’s why we can’t wait any longer, we can’t wait any longer for a path to full and equal citizenship.† ( Clinton promises she will work to ensure a fair and just immigration system. She is fighting for an America where every family has a sense of belonging. She believes it is important to keep families together and ensure a more human immigration enforcement system instead of breaking up hardworking, law-abidingShow MoreRelatedImmigration Is A Major Controversial Issue1471 Words   |  6 PagesSignature Assignment GOVT 2305 MW 8:00-9:20 Danielle Scheurmann 5-4-2015 â€Æ' Immigration is a major controversial issue in today’s government. Some important matters include national security, the economic weight, escalation in drug and weapons trafficking, and human trafficking. 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